Health Assessments

45-49 year old Health Assessments

Lifeline medical centre would like to invite patients, aged 45-49 years old, to a Medicare funded (no charge to you), comprehensive and full health check. So, why 45-49 year olds? Well, the Australian Department of Health categorises 45-49 year olds as the demographic most at risk of developing a chronic illness.

“The health assessment is for a patient who, in the clinical judgement of the medical practitioner and based on the identification of a specific risk factor, is at risk of developing a chronic disease. A health assessment at this stage of life can assist patients to make the necessary lifestyle changes to prevent or delay the onset of chronic disease.” – Department of Health

What to expect in a Health Check?

Our health assessments are a comprehensive and full health check of your general overall physical and mental health. A mental health assessment and physical examination and health assessment is vital to identifying and preventing the onset of any chronic illness. These checks include a thorough examination of your diet, exercise, family history, and the review of any medication you may be taking. It may also include immunisations, type 2 diabetes risk evaluation tests and/or screening tests considered necessary for your age and/or health history.

Other components of the health assessment may include:

  • Undertaking interventions and referrals where clinically needed
  • Delivering advice and information, including strategies to help improve a patient’s lifestyle and behavioural patterns
  • Write and record the health assessment, and provide the patient with a written copy of the health assessment underlying the recommendations covered in the appointment. The assessment is designed to detect, delay or prevent the current state or development of chronic health conditions.

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